The rain couldn't dampen the LOVE at the 2024 City of Elgin PRIDE Parade on Saturday, June 1st.
Our Mission – Discover what God can do through YOU
First UMC Elgin is an inclusive community of faith that celebrates our Christian beliefs through worship, fellowship, and service in a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment. We create vital, relevant ministries for diverse generations, families, and individuals. We enrich spiritual life and encourage witness and action for a more just, loving, and peaceful world.
Open and Affirming - A Reconciling Congregation
The First United Methodist Church of Elgin celebrates the human community's diversity and affirms each person's sacred worth. We seek to follow the Way of Jesus, extending love to others as we would want to be loved. We welcome into full inclusion in the life and ministries of the church people of all sexual orientations (lesbian, gay, and bisexual) and gender identities (transgender), ages, races and national origins, physical or mental abilities, and economic conditions. We especially proclaim this statement of welcome to all who have known the pain of exclusion or discrimination in the church. As a Reconciling Congregation, we believe we are being reconciled to God and one another.